Personal development is a part of the development of every child

Our children’s health, happiness and social development are important to us. Their mental wellbeing, level of emotional intelligence and ability to show care and kindness from others should be just as high on the developmental priorities.

Children are open and eager to learning new skills, growing and evolving. Every child is unique & has wonderful creative skills desperate to be shared with the world. Embracing the unique qualities of every child and allowing them to follow their heart is at the forefront of our mission.

By allowing children to connect with their hearts and their emotions and becoming mindful, allows them to have clarity about their direction in life, as well as face every situation with strength & courage, with the safety of being vulnerable. This is where the magic happens, this is where there is space for individuals to fully step into their evolution & develop themselves on a mental, spiritual, intellectual level. Fully embodying all their feelings, dreams, goals, desires whilst stepping into the best version of themselves with pride and self love.

Our responsibility as adults and leaders is to provide a safe and secure space to allow children and young adults to flourish and take the first step toward their true purpose with encouragement and support. Every child deserves this chance in life and that is why we are on this mission, to make these opportunities available to all.

How important it is to teach compassion to students

Compassion is something that is necessary to be taught to students in treatment of themselves and of others. If children and adolescents can learn about compassion, it can help to prevent many self sabotaging challenges in individuals, as well as criticism,  negative talk to others and bullying.

Compassion is something that can easily be taught, by adults in the family, peers and teachers. Children learn from what they see, what they experience around them & the love that they receive. By teaching the younger generation how to experience each day with love, kindness & compassion, we can help to create a future of conscious humans, that are evolving with emotional intelligence at the forefront of their growth. Relationships can be built on connections that are deep, and that are filled with honouring one anothers vulnerability, and supporting connections that are compassionate, filled with a sense of care & willingness to help. This is the kind of world that we can build as we move through life & support each other in our development and have awareness for everyone’s individual journey and that no two people are the same.

How Meditation has a positive impact on the students

Meditation is a spiritual and mindful practice that helps an individual achieve the state of peace, calm and clarity. This is not just for spiritual seekers, but for everyone that wishes to enjoy the benefits of living life in a more balanced state.

Anxiety is common in so many people, and it is often a taboo subject, leaving young people scared to talk about it & scared to feel the feelings they are feeling.

Life can be overwhelming, especially when you are under pressure to study, make new friends, to try to fit in, experience new experiences, step outside of your comfort zone. We all remember the fears that come with being a child & adolescent.

Anxiety is so common nowadays in many people & it can often be a terrifying feeling to experience, let alone admit to anyone. Leaving younger individuals scared to talk about it & scared to feel the feelings they are experiencing.

Simply working with the mind with the help of meditation leads to an improved sense of presence, calm, attentiveness, and an increase in valued human qualities such as empathy and patience. Therefore, starting this practice at a young age can support children and young adults in so many ways.

With small lifestyle changes, students can harness the power of meditation and have a stress-free learning period. With regular practice the advantages will be visible.

A calm mind helps to reduce stress & anxiety, with improved ability to focus, process & deliver on tasks. Meditation can help with pre-exam anxiety & fear, by allowing individuals to feel more present and prepared to step into their exams. Two studies have found that the Transcendental meditation reduces the symptoms of depression. Both anxiety and depression causes disruption in the learning process when the exam date nears, so with regular meditation it can be taken care.

Aside from studying and exams, meditation and mindfulness is a life skill. It allows the individual to experience pure joy in their lives, allowing them to be present in each moment, with their families, their friends, enjoying their favourite meal. It reminds them to find happiness in every moment, which alone allows for a cheerful personality, and a valuable life skill that they can take with them into each relationship, job or inevitable life challenge.

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